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Voodoo Surgeon #1

Visiting her grandmother on her deathbed, Becky is informed that her grandma has hired a holistic healer to cure her cancer. Against Becky's wishes, as she is highly religious, Jared Langdon, the Voodoo Surgeon comes knocking at the door.

B.F. Butcher

Standard Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 16

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Jared Langdon is a sp ial surgeon that uses unconventional methods in his practices. He makes anatomically correct voodoo dolls so that he can perform surgery on his patients without ever having to cut them in the first place. With his astral glasses, he can see into the human body more accurately than any x-ray. With his flute, he can charm rope into performing delicate surgeries, or imprint a patient into the form of the rope for more complicated voodoo dolls. With his basket of holding, he can reach into other worlds, and pull out anything he needs. His methods are unconventional and contradictory, but they are the safest and most effective known methods in the world.

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