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Dark Clown Presents #3


Alex Sanchez, Kerry Howard

Standard Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 24

This series introduces Dr. Clark Down, a psychiatrist who treats multiple people with disparate phobias including coulrophobia, the fear of clowns. As the series progresses multiple former and current patients are introduced as Dr. Clark Down’s alter ego slowly emerges to reveal Dark Clown. He is obsessed with perfection and won’t accept any failure to cure each individual. He also has been tainted by his exposure to the mystical tome titled Dead Clowns. This issue introduces Anastasia Dementieva, a world renowned juggler who has a past that claws back at her. Having witnessed clowns destroy her world, she was plunged into coulrophobia, the fear of clowns. Dr. Clark Down himself has been plunged into a search for a lost tome, but he is still able to focus on his task. The Juggler, Anastasia”s alter ego, makes her special appearance to an adoring fan, who was a former patient of Dr. Down”s, and now he finds himself falling for her.



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